Another epic book announcement!

The story of Another Epic Day

Meet Michael.

I can’t say the date with certainty, but it was sometime in the later spring months of 2022 that Michael stopped by my booth at a local farmers market to say ‘Hello’. As we started talking, Michael shared with me that he had been involved in a terrible car accident years prior which had upended his life and left him suffering from a myriad of devastating complications that not many could endure, let alone endure with joy.

But joy is what Michael had. Through his words, actions and outlook, there was no denying that this person, who I had just met, carried with him a positivity that I didn’t see in many people.

As we continued to become better friends, Michael told me that he had a dream to create a book that shared his positive philosophy and I couldn’t help but feel called to help him bring that idea to life.

And here we are!

After nearly a year of coffee meetings, editing, formatting and editing some more, I am pleased to announce Another Epic Day will release late spring/early summer 2023.

We hope this book brings you joy and encourages you to lean on those who love you in order to find the Woo Hoos, and make every day an epic day. - N.D.