Another milestone!

Last Friday was a really big day for me, both personally and professionally.

On the professional level, Friday marked the first day in my career that I had multiple book events at multiple schools and that alone was an incredible honor.

Personally though, the day marked the first time in my life that I wasn't nervous when I took the microphone in my hand and stood in front of hundreds of kids to read books and answer questions. That was huge.

For as far back as I can remember I have hated public speaking. My hands would shake, my voice would crack, and I would struggle to keep myself calm as I prayed for the moment to end as quickly as possible.

Last Friday was different though. I loved reading my books to the packed gymnasium. I looked forward to the questions the kids would ask and, contrary to everything I had experienced before, the little bit of nerves I felt faded almost instantly as the assembly began and I had FUN.

Writing books and sharing these positive stories brings me joy. Seeing kids and strangers resonate with the messages of these books motivates and inspires me to push through and keep going no matter what, and I encourage you to do the same. You may find that you are braver than you thought you were.